Blank or Life

I feel blank. Like there’s nothing really happening within me. I feel as though all the life has drained from me. I don’t feel motivated. I feel blank. I was tempted to call it emptiness, but I’m not empty. I just… feel… blank…

The worst part is that I don’t know what the source of this feeling is, so I don’t know what to do about it. I feel blank but I’m plagued with sadness and sorrow that is unexplainable to me. But even though this may be how I feel at the moment.  I’m choosing to move on. To carry on. To push on. I’m going to plug in. for me plugging in is trusting that God’s ‘got me,’ for others this may be plugging into activities, going outside. I’m setting myself targets to reach. Goals to meet. I’m choosing life over blankness.

In a world that to simply put it, is broken. We have a choice, choose to bow to the brokenness or choose life. 

With this being said, I won't just leave it there and will write how I am choosing life, but that's for another post. For now 'Tschüss!'


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