
So, since I did my last one of this type of post, I realised that when I’m inspired by a YouTuber, I should just write about there and then instead of waiting until I become uninspired by them or I just move on with my life. It’s not that I don’t think that what they say isn’t good, it’s just that I've come to realise that as I grow, some things just don’t impact me as they once did when I was younger.

On that note, let me introduce this YouTuber. Dottie James aka thisbedottie is a YouTuber who I believe is a life vlogger in the sense that she makes videos that are about life and the meanings, lessons, truths that she finds in it day in and out. Not all her videos are long, there are some that are under a minute but that doesn’t take away the truth of her words. I won’t say that I completely agree with everything that she says as I come from a different background when it comes to viewing life as a whole, but what I do admire is the fact that she is truthful. She speaks her heart, she doesn’t give you a false person on the screen, she isn’t all happy all the time, neither is she always sad. She shows you who she truly is, tells you when she feel good, or feels a bit under the weather. There isn’t a falsehood in how she presents herself which makes you want to listen to what she has to say. Sometimes, I find what she says quite different to what I’m used to hearing online which is refreshing. What’s also refreshing is the metaphors in which she uses when describing situations in life. The situations she describes aren’t really about life events such as what’s going on in her life but rather things that happen in everyone’s life such as friendship, doubt, fear, confidence, creativity. It’s nice to hear someone voicing what they think in their heads rather than just voice what is happening in our everyday lives of which is normally broadcasted elsewhere.

Really what I mainly want to point out is the fact that she thinks outside the box, focuses on creativity while being real.

Ellah xx

thisbedottie - YouTube channel


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