Living The Moment - just be you
Hiya guys, this is going to be a brief post as I'm doing it
right in the middle of my psychology revision.
So just today I wasn't feeling 100% myself (because I was
feeling a bit sick), I tried to be my usual talkative self on the bus journey
to school. But after texting my best friend I realised there is no point in
denying how I felt so I stopped trying. I buy myself some chocolate to help cheer
myself up (it was tasty btw). I get to school, though not feeling myself I
still say hi to my friends, I go to my locker as usual, go to assembly, go to
first period and do 2 hours of chemistry, then proceed to RE. Throughout my
morning I was trying to get on with my lessons, hiding the fact that I felt
completely horrible. Usually I'm quite a talkative person, but I felt talked
considerably less than usual as I just felt horrible. I get to 4th period to
find my teacher isn’t in. The happiness I felt at that news! So I try do work
in the library, that doesn’t work out so I migrate to an empty room which was
just perfect for the way that I was feeling. At lunch time I sit with my
friends but as I’m not feeling well I just don’t feel like talking, just trying
to make it through the day. My friends notice my silence in the conversation
and tell me to talk more. They then go on to ask if something happened. When I
tell them that nothing happened, that I was fine and just didn’t feel like
talking, they were sceptical. What they didn’t realise was that I was like this
throughout the whole day, they just didn’t take the moment to observe this. At
break time one of my friends at lunch had left me by myself without even
noticing yet only now she noticed my silence. I hadn’t felt any resentment but
found it amusing that it was only now she was realising my quietness. One of my
other friends asked whether I was ok just because I wasn’t talking. Once again I
found it amusing that she had only just realised this. Through experiencing a
day where pretty much everyone thought that something was wrong I realised that
sometimes just living the moment can be misjudged. many people think that
living the moment is talking and being excited, they forget that listening and
just being is also living the moment. And that’s what I did today, I lived the
moment though my silence, though my thoughts. And it felt invigorating, I felt
refreshed, recharged. Sometimes that just what we need, a recharge of the
batteries, a get away from the chaos of our everyday lives. So what if others
think your weird or acting out of the blue, sometimes you just need to get
away. So do that, don’t be afraid to have some days to yourself to think,
reflect. Just make sure your friends or those closest to you know that you’re
fine and that nothing is wrong. Just be you in that moment. Be how you feel
(obviously if your angry don’t act on it - think about that first).
I wasn’t really sure where this post was going to go once I
started writing it but I hope it was some form of encouragement.
Lots of love,
Ellah xx
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